Onboard an employee

Onboard an employee

Learn how to onboard a new employee from document drafting to the final review.


In this lesson, we'll take you through the onboarding process from start to finish:

1. Onboarding Dashboard

2. Onboarding Dashboard: Quick tour

3. Draft

4. Approval

5. Employee Approval

6. HR Review

7. Complete

8. Cancelled

9. How to access a process History Log


Onboarding Dashboard

The onboarding dashboard lets you view all in-progress employee onboarding in a simple interface - providing you with quick access to the process status e.g. Draft, the Employee name, Position and the Assignee in charge of the process.

The onboarding process covers 5 key steps with an option to cancel the process.

  1. Draft

  2. Approval

  3. Employee Approval

  4. HR Review

  5. Complete

Onboarding Dashboard: Quick tour

Let's first show you a few actions you can take while viewing your Onboarding dashboard.

  1. Status: Sort the process status order (e.g. Draft, Approval, Complete) between ascending & descending.

  2. Export: Export all visible columns to Excel, CSV or print.

  3. Columns: Customise and choose which columns you see.

Good to know: If you customise your columns, you can reset them to the default by clicking the Reset Grid button

1. Draft

In the draft stage, you can fill in employee details, employment information, and remuneration. At the end of the draft stage, this information will be automatically populated into the draft offer letter and employee agreement.

Employee Details

In the Employee Details section, you can fill in employee details such as personal, contact and visa information. Please utilise the Visa Documentation button to securely upload your visa-proof document (as seen below).

Employment Details

In the Employment Details section, you can fill out the new employee's important employment information such as the employee's start date, position, and department. The section also includes fields for work hours and roster information, including the employee's availability for each day of the week. Please make sure to complete all * required fields.

Remuneration incentives can be checked and using the dropdowns specifications can be selected. e.g. A company vehicle can be checked as Vehicle Required for this role and using the dropdown for the Vehicle Usage

Remuneration Details

In the Remuneration Details section, you can provide information related to the employee's compensation such as selecting "Salary" or "Hourly Rate" as the employee's payment structure, the employee's hourly rate, selecting the company KiwiSaver contribution percentage and the employee's pay cycle.

Offer Letter

In the Offer Letter section, you can select the date when the employment offer will expire, the Signatory, and using the dropdown, select one of the various offer letter templates. These include Permanent, Fixed Term, and Casual employment letters.

Below is a large window where your selected template for the offer letter is displayed. You can view and read the letter, which will dynamically populate employee information into the square brackets [ ] within the letter template.

Important: Any text within square brackets [ ] will be replaced when the letter is generated at the Draft Documents section of the Draft stage.


In the Agreement section, you can select an agreement template for this onboarding process by using the dropdown. These templates will be automatically populated from your uploaded Onboarding templates within your Company Profile e.g. your company's Casual Individual Employment Agreement (IEA).

Note: A formal IEA cover page will be automatically added to any agreement you select and dynamically adds your company logo, type of agreement, employment status, company name and employee name.

Draft Documents

Lastly, in the Draft Documents section, you can click the Generate Drafts button, which will automatically populate all the information into the draft documents and generate them below the button as downloadable PDFs.

Once the documents have been generated, you can now click the Send for Approval button to proceed to the Approval stage of the Onboarding Process.

2. Approval

In the approval stage, the hiring manager, CEO, or designated person responsible for approving the onboarding process reviews the drafted onboarding details, offer letter, and employment agreement.

They are required to sign off on these documents using the Signature window (as seen below).

How to approve an employee's onboarding documents

1. Approval

Using the Signature window, digitally write your signature and click the Generate Approved Agreement button to generate approved versions of the employee's Offer Letter and Employment Agreement.

2. Send to Employee

Once the approved documents have been generated and the email notification template has been selected, you can now click the Send to Employee button to proceed to the Employee Approval stage of the process.

A notification email is automatically sent to the employee's email inbox once the Approval stage has been completed.

Important: The notification email typically arrives within 10 minutes.

3. Employee Approval

After the manager or approving authority has given their consent, the onboarding documents are sent to the new employee for their review and approval.

In the employee approval stage, the employee has the opportunity to carefully examine the offer letter, employment agreement, and other relevant details. They can provide their approval by signing the documents digitally using the Signature window.

The employee can also add in their emergency contacts, bank account, IRD and KiwiSaver details.

4. HR Review

The HR Review stage allows the chance for the hiring manager, CEO, or designated person to do a final review of the onboarding documentation and the information provided by the employee (emergency contacts, bank account, IRD and KiwiSaver details).

At the end of the HR Review stage, the hiring manager can now choose to add an onboarding Task List using the dropdown (as seen below). If a task list is not required for the employee's onboarding, select the Not Required option from the dropdown.

An onboarding task list typically covers these three stages of the process:

  • Pre-Onboarding e.g. Welcome email, order hardware reminder

  • Starting e.g. Meet and greet meeting

  • Post-Onboarding e.g. Health and safety procedures

The Task List dropdown shows templates that you have previously created. If you would like to create a task list from scratch, view information on how to create a task list here.

Good to know: Task list emails are scheduled and automatically sent out!


Once all stakeholders have approved the employees' onboarding and you have finalised the onboarding tasks and emails within the chosen task list, click the Complete button to finish the onboarding process.

Congratulations on successfully onboarding an employee!


During each stage of the process, you have the option to cancel the entire onboarding process.

How to cancel an in-progress onboarding
1) From any stage, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Delete button.

2) A popup will ask you whether you would like to continue with cancelling this onboarding. If yes, click the Confirm button.

Best practice: There is an optional textbox to include the reason for cancelling the onboarding. We recommend providing this as it provides useful context when viewing your previous processes.

History Log

Access the History Log to keep track of the steps in the process and see who was last active in the process. 

1. Within an ongoing Onboarding process, use the navigation pane at the right of the screen and click History Log to display the onboarding process history.

2. A window will open and list all updates made to this onboarding process and include the following details:

Action; Whether an update has been made to Progress or Regress

Step From; The step/stage of the onboarding process the update has moved from
Step To; The step/stage of the onboarding process the update has moved to
User; The name of the team member who made the update and their role within the company
Comments; A reason is provided when an onboarding process is regressed
Date; When the update occurred (day, month, year and time)

If you have any questions, please reach out to our team right here. We’re happy to help.

Quality check January 22, 2024

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